Friday, February 28, 2014

Poopsie and Marigold scale a rock

Poopsie and Marigold make a tangerine fort

Upon eating a delicious tangerine, Poopsie and Marigold decided to make a little fort! What else would keep the cold of winter at bay for just a few hours?

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Poopsie and Marigold try to eat muffins

While at brunch with a few of their yogi pals, Poopsie and Marigold spied these miniature muffins. Not quite miniature enough to make rolling one onto a plate an easy task though! They did put their best effort forward. 

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Poopsie and Marigold weave a basket

Inspired by watching some documentaries on the early English monarchs and way of life, our favorite little plastic people wanted to see what it was like to use their hands in making something. Luckily, their elementary school in Vermont had taught them the art of basket making, and they quickly started  the project. 

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Poopsie and Marigold play hide and seek

When it's a busy day at work, Poopsie and Marigold must content themselves with playing hide and seek instead of venturing outside. 

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Poopsie and Marigold open some whiskey

Sometimes you just want to enjoy your weekend with a drink, as Poopsie and Marigold are doing this evening. Luckily they found a bottle of whiskey that will last them about a year!

Friday, February 21, 2014

Poospie and Marigold warm themselves by the tea light

Sometimes you just need to warm yourself by the fire, and when you're a tiny little person, a tealight will serve the purpose. Poopsie, Marigold, and Goliath found this little aromatherapy setup to heat them on this chilly day.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Poopsie and Marigold walk in the papyrus

Tired of being kept inside by the snow, Poopsie and Marigold decided to talk a hike, and where better than through the big papyrus plant in their living room? Mossy, sunlit, and quite large, it made for a great afternoon of exploration.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Poopsie and Marigold have wine and cheese

While one their trip to Connecticut, Poopsie and Marigold found a spread just the right size for them, and sat down to a beautiful (if not very nutritious) lunch. 

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Poopsie and Marigold find a properly sized piano

Success! After yesterday's history lesson, Poopsie and Marigold were inspired to find a piano of playable size, and clearly they have done so. Let the arpeggios begin.
Taken February 18, 2014

Monday, February 17, 2014

Poopsie and Marigold play up their heritage

What better way to spend time visiting your family than by researching your heritage? Luckily for Poopsie and Marigold, they only had to go as far as the closest piano. They were thrilled to learn of their musical ancestors, and this gave them strength and courage while they desperately tried to play the instrument, which resulted in lots of silence, since they weigh less than the keys themselves. 
Taken February 17, 2014

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Poopsie and Marigold watch the Olympics

Poopsie, Marigold, and Goliath are spending a few restful days in beautiful Connecticut with family, and what better way to wind down and relax than watching other people stress out? They're favorite sport, of course, is the ice dancing, but the skiing isn't so bad either. 
Taken February 18, 2014

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Poopsie and Marigold give Goliath a bath

Although they may not love it, puppies need a bath every now and then. With all the snow New York has been getting, Goliath has been traipsing about central park with increased vigor. While this is extremely entertaining, it is also a little dirty (it takes about 30 minutes for freshly fallen New York snow to turn into freshly grimed up New York sludge). Here we see what comes at the end of these winter days. 
Taken February 15, 2014

Friday, February 14, 2014

Poopsie and Marigold make valentines for their friends

Always preferring to make their gifts instead of purchasing them, our favorite little plastic people made their valentines this year. They remembered the joy of elementary school exchanges, where you had to give one to every person in the class, and were subsequently both up all night (downside) and never left out of the love-giving (upside!). They love drawing, and had a great time creating these thoughtful little cards. 
Taken February 14, 2014

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Poopsie and Marigold play some guitar

Being smaller than the frets on an instrument will never stop these two from making beautiful music. They are particularly enjoying playing covers of multiple John Mayer songs this morning. 
Taken February 13, 2014

Goliath waits for Poopsie and Marigold to come home with treats

While often in the background of Poopsie and Marigold's life, Goliath has never had his own documentation. It was about time. Here, we see him in his natural surroundings, waiting for those two beloved owners to come home with what we're all sure will be absolutely delicious treats.
Taken February 12, 2014

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Poopsie and Marigold sword fight

When there are no other diversions or exercise to be had, one must play with matches in the most amusing way possible. This morning it was sword fighting, and our too avid participants showed much promise. 
taken February 11, 2014

Monday, February 10, 2014

Poopsie and Marigold recover from food poisoning/the flu

They're back! After an unfortunate illness, during which our two favorite little plastic people were sadly confined to bed for almost a week, they are back in action. Thanks to many bottles of ginger ale, comfy blankets, and many many movies on 19th century British romance.
taken February 10th, 2014